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South Carolina governor vetoes bills to erase criminal history in gun and bad check cases

来源:Worldly Window news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-04 00:42:25

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina Gov, Henry McMaster vetoed three bills Tuesday that would have required the erasing the records of people convicted of certain gun, fraudulent check and underage alcohol sales crimes.

The three vetoes are the only ones the governor has issued for the more than 130 bills passed this year by the General Assembly.

“Second chances should be freely given when individuals have made mistakes and paid their debt to society; however, criminal history, like all history, should not be erased,” McMaster wrote in his veto messages to lawmakers.

McMaster, a former federal prosecutor, urged employers to make an applicant’s criminal history instructive and not destructive, by asking for more information and context and not simply using it to rule people out.

The General Assembly can overturn the vetoes with a two-thirds vote when they return in June for a few days in special session.

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